Can't Context be elided?

Not generally.

Consider a hypothetical FromZeros trait that indicates whether Self is safely initializable from a sufficiently large buffer of zero-initialized bytes:

pub mod zerocopy {
    pub unsafe trait FromZeros<const ASSUME: Assume> {
        /// Safely initialize `Self` from zeroed bytes.
        fn zeroed() -> Self;

    enum Zero {
        Zero = 0u8

    unsafe impl<Dst, const ASSUME: Assume> FromZeros<ASSUME> for Dst
        Dst: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<[Zero; mem::MAX_OBJ_SIZE], ???, ASSUME>,
        fn zeroed() -> Self {
            unsafe { mem::transmute([Zero; size_of::<Self>]) }

The above definition leaves ambiguous (???) the context in which the constructability of Dst is checked: is it from the perspective of where this trait is defined, or where this trait is used? In this example, you probably do not intend for this trait to only be usable with Dst types that are defined in the same scope as the FromZeros trait!

An explicit Context parameter on FromZeros makes this unambiguous; the transmutability of Dst should be assessed from where the trait is used, not where it is defined:

pub unsafe trait FromZeros<Context, const ASSUME: Assume> {
    /// Safely initialize `Self` from zeroed bytes.
    fn zeroed() -> Self;

unsafe impl<Dst, Context, const ASSUME: Assume> FromZeros<Context, ASSUME> for Dst
    Dst: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<[Zero; usize::MAX], Context, ASSUME>
    fn zeroed() -> Self {
        unsafe { mem::transmute([Zero; size_of::<Self>]) }