What should the name of mem::BikeshedIntrinsicFrom be?

Choice: Verb vs. Adjective

E.g., TransmuteFrom or TransmutableFrom?

Most trait names can be read as verbs (e.g., convert::From, Send, Sync), but Sized is a notable exception. Which convention should our trait follow?

Choice: Root Word

E.g., TransmuteFrom or BitsFrom?

We have many options for root word:

  • Transmute
  • Reinterpret
  • Cast
  • Bits
  • Bytes

Choice: Adjective Prefix?

E.g., TransmuteFrom or IntrinsicTransmuteFrom?

Should the root word be prefixed with another word?

If so, what? Some possibilities:

  • Intrinsic
  • Raw
  • Is